
What Causes Sciatica and How Sports Chiropractic Care Can Help?

What Causes Sciatica and How Sports Chiropractic Care Can Help?

The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back through each buttock and down each leg. It’s the largest nerve in the body and helps us with stability and movement, making it significant to many of our everyday activities.

How Chiropractic Care Can Alleviate Sciatica

How Chiropractic Care Can Alleviate Sciatica

Millions of Americans suffer from sciatica every year; sometimes, the pain is minimal, and other times it’s intense. In either case, finding the right chiropractic treatment will ensure you get optimized care that delivers results.

Chiropractic techniques are proven to end pain by finding what’s causing it. This comprehensive approach will dictate a wellness plan that reestablishes and restores the body’s full function, taking pressure off affected areas, including those found within the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica Pain Relief Part 4: Treatment & Rehabilitation

Sciatica Pain Relief Part 4: Treatment & Rehabilitation

As we gather to close out this series on Sciatica, talking this time on what care looks like in our office when someone presents with Sciatic Nerve pain, you will recognize some similarities from the previous Sciatica-related articles. That is because rehabilitation for Sciatica is similar to the self-care and prevention exercises we shared previously. So…if you haven’t taken a look at our Sciatica Pain Relief series parts 1-3, click the links below and check them out. Our goal is to have you work through those modules before seeking care. You will often find that spending a week on the exercises we shared, might relieve your pain, and if maintained with some frequency, may prevent future occurrences. Nevertheless, if you are here, are located in Salt Lake City and the surrounding area, we are here to help.

Sciatica Pain Relief Part 3: Self-Care & Everyday Actions That Make Sciatic Pain Worse

Sciatica Pain Relief Part 3: Self-Care & Everyday Actions That Make Sciatic Pain Worse

If you are tracking along with us on this journey of everything Sciatica, your patience and dedication is about to be rewarded. In Part 1 of our Sciatica Pain Relief series, we discussed what Sciatic Nerve pain is and the associated anatomy (always my favorite part). In Part 2 we went a little deeper with the 5 most common causes of Sciatica and touch on a few of the red flags we want to rule out as soon as possible. Having made it through those two very information-heavy articles, it is time to look at what YOU can do to improve your situation as well as some of the most common everyday actions that may be the primary cause for your Low Back and Sciatic Nerve pain.